Getting back on the Road!
We’re going back on the road!
This time, more of a North-westerly direction because it’s too damn hot in my beloved Southwest.
I’ve got an opportunity to work remotely for a couple of months, so I’m taking advantage of this and going explorin’
First stop is southern Illinois to visit mom and old friends, then north.
I’m thinking of heading up through North Dakota on I-90 (visit the Minuteman Missile Visitor Center, Badlands, Crazy Horse Memorial), over to Wyoming for the giant mashed potato mountain…er Devil’s Tower (it means something!), maybe drop down to Castle Gardens Petroglyphs, then over to Grand Tetons and Yellowstone.
Then make my way up to Glacier National Park and make my way over to visit friends in Spokane and other places in Washington state.
on boondocking, eateries, must sees, watch outs! etc. are most welcome!
I’ll continue posting on here/FB/link on Twitter/Instagram, with photos, musings, and ramblings!
FB Page: https://www.facebook…destinationorg/
Website here (you can subscribe to it): http://www.no-destination.org/index.php/follow-us/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nodestination42
(I’ve got a YouTube channel, but need to make it more functional. Will post up once it’s ready!)
Argos and Sully, getting ready to go Adventure!
2 thoughts on “Getting back on the Road!”
Hooray! Glad you’re going to be able to get out there tampering again.
One thought, as the fire season progresses the atmosphere gets smokier in the NW. It was horrible when I was in Idaho last year during August. I asked about this and the nice ladies at the district ranger station said it was unfortunately normal and suggested next time I visit earlier in the season. So keep that in mind.
Looking forward to new posts!
Hey Bill!
Thanks for the info. There are a lot of fires right now 🙁
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